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A Good Problem To Have


Today at the coffee shop, the barista said “Um, there’s a mocha that’s been sitting here on the counter for a while?” I had no idea my mocha has been sitting there by its lonesome. I hissed at Dan, “What’s with the attitude!?” He assured me there was no attitude. I swore there was attitude. Whatever. The real problem was my panties were in a bunch over the barista’s possible (probable) ‘tude when I should have been rejoicing over the fact that circumstances found Sweet Pea in daycare while Dan and I were working (ok, he was working, I was checking Facebook- which every blogger knows is the heart of any creative process) at a coffee shop on a weekday afternoon.

I was obviously hurting for a big dose of gratitude. So, thanks to the FTSF (Finish the Sentence Friday) Blog Hop Goddesses who came up with this prompt “The best part of my day is….” I couldn’t pick just one. The best parts of my day are…

Snuggling with Dan first thing in the morning. Or more accurately, coming out of a deep sleep coma while he spoons me.

Watching a grin break out on Sweet Pea’s face when I come into her room in the morning to get her out of her crib. Or, alternatively, relishing a few more minutes of sleep when Dan kindly goes to her.

Stepping into the shower after a morning workout while nearly everyone else is just getting out of bed.

Checking another item off my to-do list. Even if the item is “Take Shower.”

“Finding” Sweet Pea when she’s “hiding” in the closet. She has a little routine where she goes in our closet, shuts the doors, and knocks from the inside. You open the closet doors, pretend to have no idea how she got in there, and she dissolves into giggles. Repeat. File under Things That Would Have Made me Throw Up In My Mouth A Little Before I Became a Mom.

Finding myself with an empty basket when all the laundry is folded and put away.

Cuddling up on the couch with Sweet Pea, a blanket, and a story on a cool, gray afternoon. Saying yes when she asks for “my bewk?” (more book).

Arriving at the bus stop at the moment my bus rounds the corner.

Hitting “Publish” on a blog post.

Turning out the lights after the last dish is done, the phones are plugged into their chargers, laptops are put away, the mail is hidden from view in the mail drawer, and the toys are in their basket, with the hum of the dishwasher in the background.

And, those are the best parts of my day. I can’t pick just one. Which is a very, very good problem to have.

This post was brought to you by the Finish the Sentence Friday (FTSF) Blog Hop.

Finish the Sentence FridayT

The Sentence was “The hardest choice I ever made was…” Please visit the FTSF blog hop hosts:

Stephanie at Mommy for Real, Kristi From Finding Ninee, Janine from Janine’s Confessions of Mommyholic, and Kate at Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine






The post A Good Problem To Have appeared first on Fitness and Running | Motherhood | Marriage | Whatevs Blog.

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